Cleaning out the bike shed
Ozan Yarcı showed an example of an anti-pattern on twitter and it sparked a lot of engagement.
Ozan Yarcı showed an example of an anti-pattern on twitter and it sparked a lot of engagement.
Umbrella is a medium machine on TryHackMe with the description: “Breach Umbrella Corp’s time-tracking server by exploiting misconfigurations around containerisation.”
I only solved two web challenges in this CTF: skid and Yet Another Micro-story Library. All web challenges had a pretty low number of solves.
Template Shack was a challenge worth 150 points in the 2020 Hacktivitycon CTF. The template shack appears to be some sort of online shop for bootsrap themes. The site seems to be mostly static and placeholder code. The only thing of note in the source code for the page is a comment that hints at some administration panel that is under construction.
Here’s how I rooted the room overpass on All in all, the room was pretty easy, but I actually spent a lot of time figuring it out because I was overthinking.
For the last couple of weeks I have had sort of an identity crisis. Working as a consultant, I have too many credentials for o365/azure/azure AD; being signed in to the right account at the right time has become impossible. Luckily there is a feature in chrome that will cure you of any virtual schizophrenia. If you click your name at the top of the title bar, you’ll find a menu with a choice to manage people.
This will take you to a management screen that lets you add people you can switch between.
Now you’ll be able to easily switch between your personalities. Each personality has its own private data, so your sessions will be completely separate. They also have a separate window with a custom icon so that it’s easy to distinguish them from each other. Awesome!
If you want several projects to always have the same version number, this is a pretty neat trick:
Add a CommonAssemblyInfo.cs file to one of the projects containing just:
using System.Reflection;
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
This week I found a cool .net-class in the System.Collections.ObjectModel
namespace; the class KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>
It provides a collection that can be indexed by a property. If your item-class has a natural key, all you have to do is derive from the abstract KeyedCollection-class and implement the GetKeyForItem method. It behaves pretty much like a mix between a dictionary and a list. Lookups are indexed by a key you can specify, which in turn is used as the key for an internal dictionary, and so are faster than searching a regular list.
It is documented further here.
public class SchoolClass : KeyedCollection<uint, Student>
protected override uint GetKeyForItem(Student newStudent) => newStudent.Number;
Here’s my solution to Euler problem 92. The code is pretty simple, it tries to shortcut the sequence by storing every number in a chain along with the number that recurs.
class Euler92:
def __init__(self):
self.knownSeq = {}
def ChainNumber(self,n):
currentSeq = []
while not n in [1,89]:
if(n in self.knownSeq):
n = self.knownSeq[n]
n = SquareDigits(n)
for x in currentSeq:
self.knownSeq[x] = n
return n
def Solve(self, n):
return len([x for x in range(2,n) if self.ChainNumber(x) == 89])
def SquareDigits(n):
return sum(map(lambda x: int(x)**2, str(n)))
This is my solution to Euler problem 59 in python. It is pretty straight forward and relies on the heuristics of the problem. Initially it filters out every key that will only produce printable characters for all its corresponding positions in the encrypted text. It then proceeds to combine these keys and check for actual, common English words in the text.
from math import ceil
import string
def test():
asciis = open('cipher1.txt', 'r').read()
encCodes = [int(s) for s in asciis.split(',')]
asciiSum = 0
pKeys = plausibleKeys(encCodes, 3)
for k0 in pKeys[0]:
for k1 in pKeys[1]:
for k2 in pKeys[2]:
text = "".join(applyKey([k0,k1,k2], encCodes))
asciiSum = sum([ord(c) for c in text])
return asciiSum
def plausibleKeys(encCodes, keyLen):
pKeys = {
0: [x for x in range(255)],
1: [y for y in range(255)],
2: [z for z in range(255)]
for i, c in enumerate(encCodes):
for k in pKeys[i % keyLen]:
if chr(c ^ k) not in string.printable:
pKeys[i % keyLen].remove(k)
return pKeys
def properStringProbability(string):
cnt = 0
for word in ["the", "and", "have", "that", "you"]:
cnt += string.count(word)
return cnt > 5
def applyKey(key, asciiText):
return [chr(x ^ int(y)) for (x,y) in zip(key * int(ceil(len(asciiText) / 3)),asciiText)]