Euler Problem 92
28 Sep 2013 - Lorentz Vedeler
Here’s my solution to Euler problem 92. The code is pretty simple, it tries to shortcut the sequence by storing every number in a chain along with the number that recurs.
class Euler92:
def __init__(self):
self.knownSeq = {}
def ChainNumber(self,n):
currentSeq = []
while not n in [1,89]:
if(n in self.knownSeq):
n = self.knownSeq[n]
n = SquareDigits(n)
for x in currentSeq:
self.knownSeq[x] = n
return n
def Solve(self, n):
return len([x for x in range(2,n) if self.ChainNumber(x) == 89])
def SquareDigits(n):
return sum(map(lambda x: int(x)**2, str(n)))